SXSW 2016

The Chill Den


Thursday Essay & Photos | SXSW 2016

At SXSW, you can find talent on nearly every street corner, rooftop and alleyway. So there are advantages to only having a loose plan. With every step, there is an exchange — the smell of BBQ coming from a block of food trucks, promoters hollering, “Free show tonight!” and handing out fliers for unofficial showcases, bartenders yelling, “Two dollar shots!”

You may have an idea of where you’re going, but it’s always a journey to get there.

It’s nearly impossible to walk from one venue to the next without stopping in your tracks. Listening to beatboxing from a portable PA system, or dancing in the middle of the street to the booms and clanks of a makeshift bucket drum kit suddenly seem more important, and you’ve already forgotten where you were headed…

-Hear Nebraska